Petimals is a children’s book series by Michael Andrew Fox.  Coby is a 3rd grader in search of the most awesomest pet ever!  Find out what happens when Coby combines his favorite animals, with traditional pets to create his own, unique pet.

Get all 4 books on right now!


Dogopotamus ™     Copyright © 2013 Michael Andrew Fox       PETIMALS ® is a registered trademark.

Dogopotamus ™     Copyright © 2013 Michael Andrew Fox       PETIMALS ® is a registered trademark.

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  1. Bullet CLICK THE LINK to listen to the radio interview with Author Michael Andrew Fox talking about the newest PETIMALS book, ELEPHITTEN!



  1. Bullet The PETIMALS family is getting a new member this month! Frogadillo is just about ready to hop into the world. Look for the latest PETIMALS BOOK this March!

a 5th petimal??

  1. Bullet Stay tuned and keep a lookout for the 5th Petimals book. I’m working hard on the writing right now and hopefully I’ll be able to give everyone a hint very soon....